Use this section to understand why you miss calls.

List of missed/abandoned calls reasons:

Type of Missed/Abandoned Call Description
Missed: Out Of Hours The call was received outside of business hours. Even if it went through IVR, voicemail, or external number forwarding blocks, it is still classified as 'Out of Hours'.

If a conversation occurred outside of business hours via ring team/external number forwarding blocks, it is categorized as 'Inbound (Answered)'. | | Missed: Not Picked Up | The call rang while some agents were available, but no one answered or the call was rejected by an agent. | | Missed: No Eligible Agents | Either no agents were online or agents were online but were on other calls or otherwise busy.

The call never rang for any agent. | | Missed: Voicemail No Rings | The call did not ring for any agents and the caller left a voicemail rightaway without entering a ring queue. | | Missed: Unknown | This category includes all missed calls received before the introduction of this classification framework. | | Abandoned: Short | Any call that is shorter than 5 seconds. | | Abandoned: On Voice Message | A caller hung up during or after hearing the voice message. | | Abandoned: On Voicemail | A caller hung up during or after hearing the voicemail message, without leaving a voicemail. | | Abandoned: On IVR | A caller hung up during or after hearing the IVR Routing message, without selecting an IVR option from the menu. | | Abandoned: Other | This category includes calls abandoned due to reasons not specified or for technical reasons. | | Abandoned: Unknown | This category includes all abandoned calls received before the introduction of this classification framework. |